terms of service for the website www.infosek.net


Information about the seller

The seller on this web page is:
Name of the legal entity: Palsit d.o.o.
Address of the legal entity: Mednarodni prehod 2a
Postcode and place: 5290 Vrtojba, Slovenija
VAT number: SI 92141927, taxpayer
Registration number: 1695720000
Contact e-mail: info@palsit.com
Contact telephone number: +386 (0)5 338 48 50
Data on the entry in the register or any other public records: 7.3.2002
Transaction account no.: 02241-0090950979, Nova Ljubljanska banka d.d.

Web site

The Terms and Conditions are intended for the buyers/customers through this website: www.infosek.net

Additional warnings of the seller/service provider: Participation in trainings and audio / video content and e-materials can be ordered through the website.


For the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions the Slovenian legislation shall apply.

These Terms and Conditions have been drawn up in accordance with the provisions of the Code of Obligations (OZ, Official Gazette no. 83/01 as amend.), Electronic Business and Electronic Signature Act (ZEPEP, Official Gazette no. 57/00 as amend.), Electronic Commerce Market Act (ZEPT, Official Gazette no. 61/06 as amend.), Electronic Communications Act (ZEKom-2, Official Gazette no. 130/22 as amend.), Copyright and Related Rights Act (ZASP, Official Gazette no. 21/95 as amend.), Consumer Protection Act (ZVPot-1, Official Gazette no. 130/22 as amend.) and other sectoral national and European legislation.

Legal principles

1. The seller/service provider respects the principles of lawfulness and fairness in managing the web page and sale of products/services.
2. The seller/service provider acts in accordance with honest practices and in fulfilling its obligations it takes into consideration due skill, care and diligence.
3. The seller/service provider respects the principle of transparency and with the present Terms and Conditions in a clear and understandable manner informs the buyers/customers on their rights.
4. The seller/service provider respects the principle of proportionality in processing of personal data. It may process only the data, which is by scope relevant for the purposes for which they are being collected and, if necessary, processed. Personal data protection is governed by the seller/service provider in the Privacy Policy, published on the website and the buyer/customer is informed about it in advance.


Uses of the website

The use of this website means:
1. Viewing of content on the website,
2. Completing the forms on the website,
3. Ordering products or services on the website,
4. Buyer/customer registration,
5. Use of web application,
6. Buyer’s/customer’s possibility of commenting,
7. Other types of use with regard to the content of the website.

Rules for the application of the website

Buyers/customers must use the website responsibly and must not cause any damage to it.  It is prohibited to:
1. Violate copyrights of any third persons or violate any other intellectual property rights of third persons,
2. Violate personal rights of third persons (religious, political beliefs, medical condition and other rights protected by law),
3. Promote hate or violent acts,
4. Encourage taking of illicit substances,
5. Encourage phishing,
6. Intentionally spread viruses, worms, deficiencies, Trojan horses, damaged files, hoaxes or other content or elements of destructive or deceptive nature,
7. Use the website with the purpose of illegal exchange of files with the help of advanced peer-to-peer networking,
8. Use the system for mining of bitcoins and other electronic currencies,
9. Carry out any other acts that violate or encourage actions that represent violation of rules on criminal matters or other applicable regulations and rights of third persons.

Responsibility of the buyer

1. The buyer should leave the website, if he or she does not agree with the Terms and Conditions.
2. The buyer shall use the website in such a manner that he or she does not cause any damage to the website or the seller, either intentionally or out of negligence. 
3. The buyer may notify the seller on technical interruptions or non-functioning of the website or the content, if the Seller fails to acknowledge such disturbances or non-operation.

Buyer registration

1. Upon registration the buyer supplies accurate and true data. Abuse of personal data of any third person is prohibited.
2. The buyer shall carefully safeguard the received user name and password and shall not forward it to any third person.
3. The buyer is aware that in the event of false data or abuse of personal data of any third person, the seller may institute relevant legal proceedings against the buyer. The buyer may register, if on the day of the registration he or she is at least 15 years old.

Rules of commenting

Rules of commenting on the website:
1. It is forbidden to insult other users or buyers/customers and the seller/service provider on the website.
2. Hate speech is prohibited as well as any form of discrimination of others, general public and the seller/service provider.
3. It is forbidden to attach any content (images, video recordings), which could insult others, represent hate speech, encourage to any discrimination, promote doping or gambling or which violate the intellectual property rights of third persons or in any other way prejudice the rights of third persons.
4. Publishing of pornographic content, inciting criminal and other offences, as well as other forms of violent behaviour is prohibited.
5. The seller/service provider or his moderator reserve the right to, without any prior notification, either temporarily or permanently prevent the user access to comments, if the latter violates these rules.

Seller’s responsibility

The seller is responsible for the operations of the website and the contents offered, except in the event of force majeure or any other causes beyond its control. The seller endeavours to eliminate technical and substantive errors quickly, with the purpose of enabling uninterrupted use of the web site and its contents.

The seller does not assume responsibility and the buyer cannot require any possible compensation for damage that could arise out of it in the following cases:
1. Damage suffered by the buyer upon incorrect use of the website or in the event of non-compliance with these terms and conditions,
2. Grammar errors in the texts,
3. If the website does not function 100% 24 hours/7 days a week,
4. Inadequate content on the website (content on the website is of informative nature and in no event replaces opinions of relevant experts, unless this is expressly written),
5. Links to websites of third persons (the seller does not assume responsibility for the contents on the websites of third persons, however, it undertakes to prudently select the links).


Texts on the website

Contents and texts on the website of the seller/service provider may not be copied or used in any other way outside the needs of legal cooperation between the buyer/customer and the seller/service provider, unless the website states otherwise. Any intervention into the copyright shall be deemed violation of rights of intellectual property and may be the subject of initiation of relevant legal actions.

Photographs and audiovisual works on the web page

All photographs, video recordings and other audio visual works published on the website are the copyright of the seller/service provider and may not be copied or used in any other way outside the needs of legal cooperation between the buyer/customer and the seller/service provider, unless the website states otherwise. Any intervention into the copyright shall be deemed violation of rights of intellectual property and may be the subject of initiation of relevant legal actions.

Legal document

The text of this Terms and Conditions is owned by the seller/service provider and it is prohibited to copy, distribute, or otherwise handle this text for marketing purposes without a written consent from the owner of the information system who on behalf of the seller/service provider maintains the Terms and Conditions unless allowed by the law. Any copyright interference is considered as violation of intellectual property rights and may be subject to suitable legal procedures initiated by the owner of the information system, that is the company POGOJI.SI, legal solutions, Tjaša Vidic s.p. For any additional information regarding this issue, please contact: podpora@pogoji.si.

This provision does not affect the rights of buyers/customers, who may save or reproduce the provisions of these Terms and Conditions for personal purposes.


Product offer

Services are presented in detail in the offer, available on the seller’s website. Services’s characteristics and prices are defined on the seller’s website, as well as any possible discounts and promotions, method of ordering and payment and the rights of buyers. Prior to confirming an order, the buyer is acquainted with these terms and conditions and accepts them when ordering. The buyer acknowledges that by confirming the Terms and Conditions and ordering of the products the sales contract is considered entered into.

Purchase process

The buyer adds a service in the basket by clicking on the button Add in the basket. A notice appears informing that the service is added to the basket. By clicking on the button Show the basket, the buyer is directed to the first step, where he or she has a possibility to enter the code of a coupon for enforcing benefits. He or she can add or remove the quantity of selected services and by clicking on the button Update the basket, he or she enforces these changes. The total amount of the order is displayed to the buyer.

By clicking on the button Continue to the cash register, the buyer moves to the second step, this is the Conclusion of the purchase process. In this step, the buyer has a possibility to log in, if he or she is already registered in an online store or enters the data for order. During this step, the buyer also enters the coupon code. The buyer has a possibility to register and create an account. Under the form to enter the data, the buyer sees the summary of the order and selects the method of payment. After selecting the method of payment, the buyer confirms that this is an Order with the obligation to pay and that he or she is informed and agrees with the operating and privacy conditions. By clicking on the button Buy now, the buyer submits the order.

After submitting the order, the buyer is directed to the final page with the summary of the order, while at the same time, he or she receives the massage at the email address that the order is under processing if the payment goes to the current account or that the order is confirmed if the payment is direct. If the payment goes to the organizer’s current account, after receiving the payment, the organizer sends to the buyer’s email address a message on the concluded order.

Product prices

1. All prices are in €. It is also stated whether the prices include VAT (and the percentage of VAT) or not.

2. The seller may change the prices and such changes apply immediately after their publication. For the already confirmed orders the prices from the order shall apply.

3. Discounts and promotion codes shall not be cumulative, except if otherwise indicated. In case of a higher number of simultaneously registered participants from a specific company, the seller offers exceptional quantity discounts. A special discount is given to students.


The seller provides the possibility of paying for the products with the following payment methods:

  1. Cash on delivery (the buyer pays to the delivery service)

  2. Pay Pal

  3. Credit card: Activa, MasterCard, BA Maestro, Visa, Visa Electron, American Express

  4. Payment in instalments: Payment in instalments in enabled to the NLB customers with deferred payment MasterCard or Visa. The customer may choose from 2 to no more than 12 instalments. In case of irregular payment of instalments, the organizer has the right to forbid further participation at the trainings until all late instalments are settled. In case of a long-term delay in payment, the organizer has the right to send the data to the competent services for the amount recovery.


The buyer can make a written complaint about the invoice within 8 days.

The customer receives an invoice for ordered services in electronic form on the e-mail provided. The seller shall keep the invoices and the sales contract at the registered address of the company in physical form for 10 years. Invoice is available to every buyer with a prior written request to the contact e-mail address or regular address of the seller.

Performance of services

The organizer performs a service within the deadline indicated in the offer for a specific training, workshop, event or seminar. In case of partial payment to the current account, the customer undertakes to pay the whole amount within 7 working days from the registration. Without fully payed participation fee, entry in the hall, where training takes place, is not possible. The same applies to the entry to web pages. Entry is enabled only after the received payment.

Access to the leased online content is enabled to the customer immediately after the order is submitted, if the payment is made with the payment or credit cards or payment with PayPal. If the payment is made to the current account, the access to the online content is given to the customer the next working day after the received payment. The customer is informed about the data to access by electronic mail.


1. The buyer may withdraw from the contract (purchase) within 14 days without stating the reason.

2. The withdrawal period expires within 14 days after the conclusion of the contract.

3. If the buyer withdraws from the contract, the seller shall reimburse to the buyer all received payments without unnecessary delays and in any case no later than 14 days after the receipt of the notification on withdrawal from the contract. Reimbursement is made by the buyer with the same means of payment that were used in completion of transaction, except if otherwise agreed with the buyer expressly and in writing (e.g. credit note or any other form of reimbursement).

4. If the buyer demands that the performance of services starts within withdrawal period, he or she shall pay to the seller the amount proportionate to the services made from the moment when he or she notified the seller about withdrawal from the contract, with regard to the whole scope of the contract.

Return of products

This provision is without prejudice to the provisions on guarantee and/or complaints, which the buyer may enforce in accordance with these Terms and Conditions.

To enforce the right to withdrawal from the contract the buyer must inform the seller with an unequivocal written statement on his or her decision on withdrawal from this contract. This can be done by sending a letter by regular mail (registered letter is recommended) or electronic mail to the addresses stated below. Optionally, for this purpose the buyer may use the attached sample form.

In order to take into consideration the deadline for the withdrawal from the contract, it is sufficient that the notification in connection with enforcement of the right of the buyer to withdraw from the contract is sent prior to the expiry of the withdrawal period from this contract, which means 14 days from the date of delivery.

Form for the withdrawal from the contract

You can find the form for the withdrawal from the contract here: Odstop od pogodbe(EN) – obrazec

Cancellation or change of event by the organizer

The organizer shall reserve the right to cancel a specific training, event, seminar or change the dates or modify its performance (instead of personal event performance, event performance online or otherwise, with the key content and scope of the event not changing or adjusting according to the change, eg. change of lecturer, schedule adjustment, etc.), but maintaining the equivalent quality of the performed event. It undertakes to notify the registered participants at the latest one working day before the foreseen start of the training or immediately after receiving the news about any potential extraordinary events, being the reason for a change/cancellation. In case of cancellation of the training by the organizer, it shall reimburse already paid participation fee without interests within 14 days after the receipt of the notification on cancellation or it shall enable the customer to use the participation fee for other products and services. In case of changing the event, the payments remain in force, and in case of change of date, the participant has the possibility to cancel the participation for justified reasons according to the provision Cancellation by the participant or to cancel in the manner within the deadlines stipulated by the provision of the De-registration of the participant.

Cancellation by the participant

If the participant cancels the participation at the training at the latest until the date of commencing the training for well-founded reasons, such as disease or accident of the participant or closest member of his or her family or for any other reason, which is not or cannot be affected by the participant (force majeure), he or she shall be excused from payment but only with suitable written evidence sent to info@palsit.com or by post to the address Palsit d.o.o., Mednarodni prehod 2a, Vrtojba, 5290 Šempeter pri Gorici, Slovenia.

De-registration of the participant

The deadline for de-registration from a training, workshop, event or seminar is 10 working days before the start of a specific training. De-registration from a specific training must be always made in a written form at info@palsit.com or by post at the address Palsit d.o.o., Mednarodni prehod 2a, Vrtojba, 5290 Šempeter pri Gorici, Slovenia. In case of de-registration after this date, the organizer charges the amount proportionate to the services made from the moment of de-registration for administrative and other costs related to de-registration. In case of non-participation without de-registration, the organizer charges the whole participation fee of the training.

Rules of the prize draws on Palsit events

Within its training events (fairs, conferences and similar), the company Palsit d.o.o. carries our prize draws.

1. Everyone who registers and takes part at a training can participate at a prize draw.

2. The participant participates in a prize draw by filling-out the questionnaire that he or she receives together with the other materials upon registration at an event, and puts it in a special box.

3. The participant must be present when the drawing takes place.

4. If the prize is in a form of a voucher for training, the winner of the draw may pass it on co-workers inside a company where he or she is employed. In other cases, the voucher is not transferable. Practical prizes are transferrable.

5. The voucher for training can be used on the first fixed date for training, being subject of prize draw (except if otherwise agreed in writing with the company Palsit d.o.o.). If the training is cancelled for the reasons on the side of Palsit d.o.o., Palsit d.o.o. may offer to the winner of the draw the training fixed on another date or similar training comparable in value.  

6. Discounts are not cumulative.

7. The receiver of the voucher for training shall be obliged to notify within 10 days to the email info@palsit.com that he or she will use the voucher.

8. The receiver of the voucher shall be obliged to register to a training through the webpage, indicating in the footnotes “using the voucher I received on (date), at (event), in the amount (% of discount)”.


Binding nature of the Terms and Conditions

1. Terms and Conditions shall apply to all buyers/customers on the seller’s/service provider’s website.  
2. Terms and Conditions are binding for all legal transactions, entered into on their basis through the seller’s/service provider’s website.  
3. Terms and Conditions are an integral part of the order of the buyer/customer.  
4. The buyer/customer confirms that he or she is acquainted and agrees with these terms and conditions prior to the purchase of the product/service.

Territorial validity

The Terms and Conditions shall apply for all buyers/customers and purchases, irrespective of the state of access of the buyer/customer.

Amendments to Terms and Conditions

1. The seller/service provider shall regularly update the Terms and Conditions with legislative changes.
2. The seller/service provider reserves the right to occasionally make substantive corrections and changes of Terms and Conditions.
3. The seller/service provider shall inform the buyers/customers on any significant amendments in timely fashion, in writing by e-mail.
4. The seller/service provider shall keep the archives of amendments of Terms and Conditions, accessible to every buyer/customer with a prior written request to the e-mail of the seller/service provider.

Dispute resolution

The seller/service provider and the buyer/customer undertake to resolve any possible disagreements and disputes peacefully and consensually.

The seller/service provider does not recognise any provider of out of court resolution of consumer disputes as competent for the resolution of a consumer dispute, therefore in the event of an unresolved dispute the consumer may refer to an authority for alternative dispute resolution.

The buyer/customer may select an alternative dispute resolution and enforce his or her rights via the following website: Online Dispute Resolution

National contact point for additional information is provided within the Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport: Resolution of consumer disputes

If a friendly solution is not possible, a court in the Republic of Slovenia by the registered address of the seller/service provider shall be competent for the resolution of the dispute.

Temporal validity

The legal conditions apply from: 04.11.2019 14:40